AcadeMedia invests in gaming education and enters the UK market



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The global gaming industry is growing rapidly, but trained game developers are in short supply. AcadeMedia now offers some of the world’s most successful gaming education through The Game Assembly. This launch also marks AcadeMedia’s first initiative in the UK.

Three billion people around the world played computer games last year, and around one billion people have played a game developed by someone in Sweden. The Swedish gaming phenomenon is a fact. With The Game Assembly and LBS Kreativa Gymnasiet in the portfolio, AcadeMedia has become an important player when it comes to preparing the specialised labour force required by the gaming industry.

“We are training high school and polytechnic students in Swedish game education. We now see a major opportunity to offer this education to more people, and to additional countries. We are determined to help bridge the talent and education gap in the gaming industry, and as the largest education provider in northern Europe, we have the ability.,” says Kristofer Hammar, Business Development Manager at AcadeMedia. 

The establishment of The Game Assembly in the UK is the first step in a new international venture. At the same time, AcadeMedia is investigating opportunities for additional strategic partnerships in the gaming training industry.

“The Game Assembly’s vocational training is developed in collaboration with gaming industry partners and 90 percent of the participants get jobs immediately after graduation. This is proof of the significant benefits of our in-game training,” says Christer Hammar, head of AcadeMedia’s adult education.

The global gaming industry generates revenue of approximately $ 176 billion annually. Globally, the industry is expected to cross the $ 200 billion threshold by 2023 and reach $ 218.7 billion by 2024.

About The Game Assembly

The Game Assembly was founded in Malmö, Sweden in 2008 and is a polytechnic school that trains the game developers of the future. In 2019, The Game Assembly opened its second location in Stockholm. For three years in a row, The Game Assembly has been ranked among the world’s best gaming and design schools by The Rookies, a global community of game creators. The Game Assembly schools provide the gaming industry with employees who have in-demand skills, such as animators, technical artists, level designers, graphic designers and programmers. Today, almost 10 percent of all those who are professionally active in the gaming industry in Sweden were educated at The Game Assembly.

